Sunday, April 6, 2008

Show 110-Faux paperclay ceramic tile


Wood plaque
Paper clay
orange wood stick
Water and sponge for paper towel
White craft paint
Brown craft paint

* If you are going to hang your finished piece, adhere the hanger of choice to the back before you start the project.

1.Wet surface of wood and work clay into any shape desired. Apply to surface and use the orange wood stick to press the clay into the surface for better adhesion. Feel free to add a little water to the clay if it feels like it is drying out.
2.Let dry
3.After dry, paint with a craft paint of choice. We used an aging technique of painting a base coat of white and then painted it with brown over the top, wiping off enough paint just to leave some in the cracks and crevasses before it dries.
4.Seal with a craft varnish to preserve it.